Presenting: ArtLifting

We're thrilled to announce our partnership with ArtLifting!

ArtLifting products

What is ArtLifting?

ArtLifting offers artists the chance to secure their own income through the sale of original paintings, prints and products. By showcasing and selling artwork via ArtLifting, and now DEMDACO too, artists gain self-confidence which overflows into all aspects of their lives. As a social enterprise and benefit corporation, ArtLifting uses “business for good.”

Every artist earns 55% of the profits from the sale of their work. 1% from each sale goes to a fund which provides art supplies to art groups nationwide. ArtLifting uses the remaining 44% to further their mission.

The Institution of ArtLifting

Co-founder Liz Powers worked as a social worker running art groups in Boston when she discovered that a lot of the quality art being produced in these shelters and disability centers was being thrown away or left to collect dust. A common phrase she heard while working in these groups was, “Liz, I want an opportunity, not a handout.” 

So she started ArtLifting!

Liz explains, “When I realized that there was no company similar, I knew that ArtLifting had to be founded. The infrastructure (art programs in shelters and disability centers) was already in place, and the artists were already creating art. The only thing missing was a marketplace for this art. ArtLifting gives these artists a platform to sell their artwork.”

“My goal is to make their invisible talents visible and by doing so, change stereotypes. Instead of defining people by their circumstance, we should define them by their talent.”

Meet Some of the Artists

Alicia Sterling Beach

ArtLifting Alicia Artist

Alicia was born in Caracas, Venezuela and lived between the U.S. and Brazil, where her parents resided. An accident she experienced as a young child left her with movement issues. She has spent the majority of her adult life coping with chronic pain from degenerative chronic osteoporosis. As a result, she has also experienced housing insecurity.

Alicia has always used art as a way toward enhancing meaning and beauty in her world. She uses materials such as watercolor, colored pencils and soft pastels which offer a wide-ranging color palette enabling her to bring forth the delicacy of light. With drawing, abstraction and her symmetrical themes, she intends to create harmony and balance.

Alicia says, “As the culture of art is always changing, it keeps me on my toes. As the audience for it changes, I change. Also, the more endowed I am with life-experience, the more I like to challenge myself to selflessly serve the highest good, often through my art."

Charlie French


Charlie French Artist ArtLifting

Abstract artist Charlie French works in his art studio almost daily, his commitment to his craft evident when viewing his beautiful, calming paintings. Born in New York, Charlie has lived both in the US and abroad, currently residing in Santa Fe, NM. While living and studying in London, a teacher noticed Charlie’s innate understanding of color theory and composition, and hence encouraged Charlie and his parents to support and nurture his artistic passion.

Charlie creates impressive abstract works, tapping into his imagination and finding delight in the process as well as the finished product. He is a prolific painter, and when asked about his process responds: "I like colors and shapes. Sometimes I do (paint) a lot. Sometimes not. I don’t think about it. I have fun.” And this is the key to Charlie’s process in that painting is fundamentally and powerfully a positive and therapeutic experience.

Yes, I have Down syndrome but first I want you to see me: Charlie French. Then I want you to see my ART!

Jeffery Powers

Jeffery Powers Artist ArtLifting

Coming from a deeply creative family, art is in Jeff’s blood. Growing up with a father who was a contractor and furniture maker, and mother who was a poet, teacher and writer, he has felt passionate about his creativity since a young age. Jeff says, “Art provides me with a solid foundation of who I am.”

Art is therapeutic and gives him purpose. Jeff makes sure to draw everyday to keep himself busy. He says, “The one thing I love about my art is that it’s a choice. I had an addiction at one point, and I had a choice to throw away my addiction or my life. I chose to throw away the addiction.” Speaking further on his journey, he exclaims, “I have overcome addiction. I have become a father. I have obtained housing and employment. Being successful isn’t something that’s easy. I’ve had to be persistent and determined and creative. I do not take any circumstance for granted.”

At DEMDACO, we strive to lift the spirit in all we do, so we're overjoyed to collaborate with this inspiring company as our missions and values greatly align. 

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About the Author

Ann-Marie Pros | Content Writer

Ann-Marie Pros graduated from Benedictine College in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communications. She currently serves as a Content Writer for DEMDACO and has been with the company since 2020. Her work has been featured by The Circuit, KAIR Radio, The Odyssey Online and many other organizations.