ArtLifting Insights: Q&A With Liz Powers

We sat down with ArtLifting co-founder & CEO, Liz Powers, to talk about all things ArtLifting x DEMDACO.

Girl and artist talking

Q: Can you explain what ArtLifting is? 

A: "ArtLifting is a social enterprise that champions artists impacted by housing insecurities and disabilities."

Q: How and why did you start ArtLifting? 

A: "I started ArtLifting nine years ago after being a social worker and art therapist in homeless shelters. I discovered that a lot of the quality art being produced in these shelters and disability centers were being thrown away or left to collect dust. A common refrain I heard while working in these groups was, “Liz, I want an opportunity, not a handout.” I started ArtLifting to give these artists a platform to show their talents. I started it very small with just four artists in Boston. Since then we have grown to represent 170 artists in 30 states!"

Q: How long have you been running ArtLifting? 

A: "Nine years!"

Q: Where did the name ArtLifting come from? 

A: "It combines “art” and “uplifting”!"

Q: What would you like retailers to know about the artists ArtLifting partners with? 

A: "ArtLifting is about creating opportunity, empowerment and validation. We offer artists the chance to secure their own income through the sale of original paintings, prints and products. By showcasing and selling artwork via ArtLifting X DEMDACO, artists gain self-confidence that permeates all aspects of their lives."

Q: Can you speak into not only the monetary side of things, but the confidence artists gain through the sale of their work? 

A: "Artists have shared that knowing that their artwork is being shared with the world “gives them reason to get out of bed in the morning” and “makes them feel validated.” We started ArtLifting with a simple premise, “Let’s define people by their talents rather than their circumstances.” It’s been incredible to see the domino effect that the confidence gain has had on their lives!"

Q: How does it feel like to help artists have their art sold & enjoyed in homes around the country? 

A: "It feels amazing! We are so grateful to have the opportunity to represent our artists and are proud to have created a bridge that has enabled them to earn MILLIONS!"

Q: What’s your long-term goal with ArtLifting? 

A: "We plan to continue to expand our impact to all 50 states and internationally! Our goal is for our artists to earn a living wage and change stereotypes. I also hope to inspire other social entrepreneurs to help redefine what a “job” can be and make the economy more inclusive."

Q: DEMDACO is a company that strives to Lift the Spirit. How do you hope ArtLifting and involvement with DEMDACO will lift spirits? 

A: "ArtLifting and DEMDACO are lifting the spirits of artists and customers alike by creating jobs and making ArtLifting artwork accessible to everyday consumers."

Watch our ArtLifting livestream to learn even more about our collaboration!

Shop the complete collection.

About the Author

Ann-Marie Pros | Content Writer

Ann-Marie Pros graduated from Benedictine College in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communications. She currently serves as a Content Writer for DEMDACO and has been with the company since 2020. Her work has been featured by The Circuit, KAIR Radio, The Odyssey Online and many other organizations.